Darlene Adames’ passion to pursue anesthesia grew intensely after working in a high-acuity pediatric cardiac intensive care unit. Her love for critical care, learning in depth about her patients, their physiology, and the medications they were on gave her the opportunity to learn about anesthesia.
The combined practice and science of anesthesia and patient care is what drove her to this path. Though this journey is rough --- and the hours are long and exhausting --- she is grateful to be doing what she absolutely loves.
Adames, BSN, RN, CCRN, SRNA is in her second year at the University of Pennsylvania.

Watching her mother, who immigrated from the Dominican Republic at age 9 and who worked hard and struggled to provide Adames and her sister with a better living, is what ignited a fire in her to continue dreaming big. She has worked extremely hard to be where she is today, and her goal now is to provide her mother and grandmother with the life they truly deserve.
As a Latina SRNA, Adames wants to be a representation of her cultural heritage and her community. Black History Month is not really mentioned or taught in many Hispanic households.
“I think it’s important for us to learn that the only difference is where our African ancestors landed during slavery,” Adames said. “To me, Black History Month is a celebration of how far we have come, all our successes and our future contribution to this world.”
After CRNA school, Adames plans to move back home and serve her underrepresented community. She would like to contribute her time with mission work in South America, the Caribbeans, and Africa. She wants to inspire and influence others that dreams do come true.