The commonwealth once again has extended several regulatory waivers designed to give health-care providers greater flexibility in their response to COVID-19.
Among the waivers is a provision that suspends the physician supervision requirement of a certified registered nurse anesthetist in a hospital setting.
Lawmakers unanimously approved the measure (H.B. 2401) on June 30, the last day of the state’s 2021-22 fiscal year, and the governor signed it immediately.
The governor announced the original temporary blanket waiver for advanced practice nurses and CRNAs on May 6, 2020, as part of an executive order to enhance the state’s response to the emerging health-care crisis.
The waivers have been extended several times since then, most recently in March. This latest extension means the waivers will remain in effect through Oct. 31, 2022.
Removing the supervision requirement and allowing CRNAs to practice to the fullest extent of their education and training has availed more physicians to provide hands-on care, expanded the capacity of both CRNA and physician providers, and augmented the state’s health-care system during this pandemic.