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PANA Receives Excellence in State Government Relations Advocacy Award at AANA

PANA Admin

The Excellence in State Government Relations Advocacy Award, established in 2016, is presented annually to a state association based on the quality of its efforts in the state legislative or regulatory arena for the nurse anesthesiology profession. The recipient is chosen by the AANA Government Relations Committee.

In 2021, the PANA successfully lobbied for a law that includes formal title recognition for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) in statute for the first time, clarifies the CRNA relationship with physicians and dentists, and allows for CRNAs to work with podiatrists.


AANA Presents Daniel D. Vigness Federal Political Director Award to Laura Wiggins, DNP, CRNA

The American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) honored Lt. Col. Laura Wiggins, DNP, CRNA, with the Daniel D. Vigness Federal Political Director Award at its Mid-Year Assembly, held in Washington, D.C. on April 2-6. Wiggins, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), is a staff CRNA with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pittsburgh and chief nurse for the critical care transport team in the U.S. Air Force Reserve.


Diane Boettger, MHS, CRNA Receives the Challenge Coin from the VHA's Chief Nursing Officer During AANA-MYA

Beth Taylor, DHA, RN, NEA-BC, Chief Nursing Officer, Veterans Health Administration (left) with PANA Board Member Diane Boettger, MHS, CRNA
Beth Taylor, DHA, RN, NEA-BC, Chief Nursing Officer, Veterans Health Administration (left) with PANA Board Member Diane Boettger, MHS, CRNA



Diane Boettger, CRNA, PANA Board of Trutees being interviewed on the Beyond the Mask Podcast
Diane Boettger, CRNA, PANA Board of Trustees being interviewed on the Beyond the Mask Podcast

Pictured Below:

Left: Beyond the Mask Podcast Co-Host Jeremy Stanley with Diane Boettger, CRNA, Sharon Pearce, DNP, CRNA, and Co-Host, and Sarah Trau, CRNA, PANA Board of Trustees

Middle: Sarah Trau, CRNA, PANA Board of Trustees with Co-Host Sharon Pearce, DNP, CRNA

Right: Beyond the Mask Podcast Co-Hosts Jeremy Stanley and Sharon Pearce, DNP, CRNA

Diane Boettger, CRNA, PANA Board of Trustees speaking at the Region 6 Breakout Session during #AANAMYA
Diane Boettger, CRNA, PANA Board of Trustees speaking at the Region 6 Breakout Session during #AANAMYA


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